Dr. Heba Exposed the Eczema Nightmare You Didn't Know About!

Topical Steroid Withdrawal: The Unseen Suffering Millions Endure

Today, we're sharing a detailed video by Dr. Heba Khaled BDS BSc (Hons). Dr. Heba is a dentist with a degree in biomedical science and a family background in medicine. In this video, she breaks down TSW from a medical perspective, shedding light on why it manifests as it does.

Here's a preview of what you'll discover in the video:

  • The stages of TSW: From early signs to full-blown flares

  • Symptoms: A detailed look at the many ways TSW affects the body

  • The science behind it: Understand why TSW impacts blood vessels, nerves, and even your lymphatic system

  • TSW vs. eczema: Learn how to distinguish between the two

  • Real-life examples: See how TSW affects babies, toddlers, and even pets

This video is a way to share that understanding with a wider audience. It's a chance to learn, to recognize the signs, and to make informed choices about treatment.

Before we knew that Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) is Iatrogenic—caused by the prolonged use of topical corticosteroids—and that it can damage more than just the skin, impacting the neurovascular system, adrenal glands, and more, I blamed myself for my daughter's suffering.

I thought it was just poorly controlled eczema, and despite my best efforts to keep our home clean, using an air purifier, UV bed vacuum, and even forcing painful baths to ensure her skin was clean, her condition only worsened. One of the dermatologists even labeled her as one of the worst eczema patients he had ever seen.

CJAY Rejuvenate Serum

CJay Serum offered a welcome relief for my daughter from the constant flaking and oozing. Most importantly, it soothed her skin, ending the cycle of burning discomfort.

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We contributed photos to the video to help create awareness of the various symptoms of TSW, including:

  • Atrophy / Elephant Wrinkles / 코끼리피부동반 (9:05)

  • Exaggerated Flaking Skin / 건조 탈각현상 (9:34)

  • Hyperpigmentation / 색소침착 (12:58)

This video contains graphic footage that may be disturbing and upsetting to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

If you know someone whose eczema seems to be getting worse despite treatment, please share this information with them. It could be Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), a condition often misdiagnosed as eczema. Learning about TSW can help them make informed choices about treatment and potentially prevent further suffering.

Disclaimer: This newsletter is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.