The Secret Weapon Every TSW Warrior & Caregiver Needs to Thrive!

Hint: It's Not Another Cream

Hi Strong TSW Warriors and Caregivers,

I know firsthand how Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) throws a wrench into every aspect of life, including our finances. Treatments, missed work, and unexpected costs pile up fast. Many of us are looking for ways to earn income that fit around the unpredictable nature of TSW.

That's why I would like to share this guide inspired by my own journey supporting my daughter through TSW, and yes, even this newsletter you're reading is part of that!

Whether you want to share your TSW story, offer support to others, or share your expertise on another topic close to your heart, starting a blog or newsletter can be a rewarding way to connect and even earn some income.

In this guide, we'll walk through the steps to get your own platform up and running. You'll learn how to turn your unique insights and experiences into valuable content that resonates with others. And who knows, you might even discover a new passion and community along the way!

 Why Blogging and Newsletters?

  • Flexibility: You set your own schedule, working around TSW flare-ups and appointments.

  • Low barrier to entry: It's relatively easy and inexpensive to get started.

  • Potential for passive income: Once you've built an audience, you can monetized through ads, affiliate marketing, or even selling your own products or services.

  • Therapeutic: Sharing your story can be incredibly healing and empowering, and it can help others going through similar struggles.

  • Community building: Connect with a supportive network of people who understand what you're going through.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Choose Your Platform: Think of this as choosing where your blog and newsletter will live online. Some great options include:

    • Mailchimp: Based on my experience using Mailchimp in my previous job, it's a good choice for creators, startups, and small businesses. It offers integrations with third-party apps, which can be handy. However, new users might find the learning curve steep. Support for free users is minimal, and pricing can become costly as your subscriber list grows.

    • ConvertKit: ConvertKit is another great option if you're really focused on growing your newsletter and creating a strong community. They offer tools to help you automate your marketing and potentially earn income. However, I haven't personally used this platform, so I can't speak to its specific features and benefits from experience.

    • Beehiiv: Beehiiv: This is my personal favorite because it combines both blogging and newsletter tools in one easy-to-use platform. It's also budget-friendly, especially as your audience grows. They offer a 30-day free trial of their Scale Plan, so you can test out all the features before deciding. You can always switch back to the free Launch Plan after the trial.


      I've continued to use the paid Scale Plan because it offers a Referral program and allows me to earn commission by displaying ads from other Beehiiv newsletters. (Full disclosure: If you sign up for the paid plan through my link, I may earn a small commission, but it won't cost you any extra.)

  2. Find Your Niche: Think of your niche as your unique corner of the online world. It's the specific topic or area you'll focus on in your blog and newsletter. Choosing a niche helps you:


    • Attract a specific audience: People who are interested in your chosen topic are more likely to follow your blog, subscribe to your newsletter, and engage with your content.

    • Establish yourself as an expert: By consistently sharing valuable content about your niche, you'll build credibility and trust with your audience.

    • Stand out from the crowd: There are countless blogs and newsletters out there. A well-defined niche helps you differentiate yourself and create a unique brand.

      Example on TSW-Related Niches:

    • Skincare and beauty for sensitive skin: Share tips, product reviews, and routines for managing TSW-related skin issues.

    • Mental health and wellness: Discuss coping strategies, stress management techniques, and self-care practices for those dealing with the emotional challenges of TSW.

    • Nutrition and diet: Explore the role of nutrition in TSW healing, share recipes, and offer tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle during recovery.

    • TSW advocacy: Raise awareness about TSW, share resources, and connect with other warriors and caregivers.

    • Parenting and caregiving during TSW: Offer support, advice, and resources for those caring for loved ones with TSW.

  3. Create Content That Connects (and Gets Found!): Think of your content as a conversation with your readers. You're sharing your experiences, knowledge, and personality to help others.

    • Tell Your Story: Share your personal experiences with TSW—the ups, the downs, and everything in between. Be honest, vulnerable, and relatable. Your story can be a powerful source of inspiration and hope for others.

    • Offer Practical Tips and Advice: What has helped you manage TSW symptoms? What skincare products have worked for you? What mental health strategies have you found useful? Share your wisdom and insights with your readers.

    • Provide Valuable Information: Dive into topics that are relevant to the TSW community. Write product reviews for TSW-friendly items, interview experts, share research findings, or create guides on specific aspects of TSW care.

    • Let Your Personality Shine: Don't be afraid to inject your own unique voice and style into your writing. Be funny, quirky, serious, or whatever feels authentic to you. People connect with realness!

      SEO Tips for TSW Bloggers and Newsletters:

      SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps people find your content when they search online. Optimize your content by using relevant keywords, catchy titles, engaging descriptions and link to reputable sources or your own blog.

  4. Launch and Share Your Voice: Now that you have a platform and some great content, it's time to share it with the world! Here's how:

    • Create a Newsletter Sign-Up Form: Add sign-up forms to your blog or website to collect email addresses. Consider offering a freebie (like an e-book or exclusive tips) to entice people to subscribe.

    • Share, Share, Share: Promote your blog posts and newsletter across your social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). Join relevant TSW forums and online communities and share your content there. Engage in conversations and connect with other TSW warriors.

    • Cross-Promote: If you have friends or fellow bloggers who share similar interests, consider cross-promoting each other's work. This can help you reach a wider audience.

    • Be Consistent: Send out your newsletter regularly (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) to keep your audience engaged. Plan it according to your skin condition, as stressing to send out too frequently may worsen your skin condition.

    Extra Tips for Growing Your Newsletter: Make sure your newsletters are packed with information, inspiration, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and emails, and asking for feedback.

  5. Turn Your Passion into Profit (Earning Money from Your Hard Work): Once you've got a good amount of content and a loyal following, you can start exploring different ways to earn money from your blog or newsletter. Here are a few popular methods, explained in simple terms:

    • Affiliate Marketing: Look for companies that offer products or services relevant to TSW (like skincare brands, natural remedies, or support groups). Sign up for their affiliate program.

    • Advertising: Sign Up with an Ad Network like Google AdSense can match you with advertisers who want to reach your audience. They'll provide you with code to insert ads into your blog posts or newsletter. You'll earn money each time someone clicks on an ad or simply views it.

    • Paid Subscriptions: Think about what extra value you can offer your most dedicated readers. It could be in-depth guides, personalized advice, early access to posts, unique value they'll receive or a private community forum.

    • Set a Price: Choose a subscription fee that feels fair to you and your audience.

    • Promote the Benefits: Let your readers know what they'll get by becoming a paying subscriber. Highlight the unique value they'll receive.

    • Selling Your Own Products or Services: Think about what you're uniquely qualified to offer. Could you create an ebook on TSW skincare routines, a course on managing TSW-related stress, or coaching sessions to help others through their journey?

    • Sponsored Posts: Partner with brands that align with your values and offer products that could benefit your audience.

    • TSW-Themed Merchandise: If you're creative, consider designing and selling TSW-related apparel or other products.

The above is an example of affiliate marketing. If just 16 of our readers subscribe to Sean's newsletter through our link above, we can cover the cost of our Beehiiv plan for a month! That's the power of community support in action.

AI Assistance for Blogging and Newsletters

Think of AI (Artificial Intelligence) as your writing assistant, especially helpful when TSW symptoms make it hard to focus. I personally use ChatGPT-4 (paid) and Copilot (free), as both can generate images for articles. These tools can be game-changers:

 1. Content Generation:

  • Brainstorming Buddy: Stuck on ideas? AI can help you generate topics, headlines, and outlines based on your niche and interests. It's like having a brainstorming partner on demand.

  • Drafting Dynamo: Some AI tools can even draft whole articles for you! While they might need some editing, they can provide a great starting point, saving you time and energy.

  • Social Media Whiz: AI can help you craft engaging social media posts to promote your blog and newsletter. It can suggest captions, hashtags, and even visuals.

2. Editing and Proofreading:

  • Grammar Guru: AI-powered grammar checkers can catch typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrasing, ensuring your writing is polished and professional.

  • Style Enhancer: Some AI tools can suggest improvements to your writing style, making it more concise, clear, and engaging.

3. SEO Optimization:

  • Keyword Finder: AI can help you identify relevant keywords that people are searching for, so you can incorporate them into your content.

  • SEO Analyzer: Some AI tools can analyze your content and suggest improvements to boost your search engine ranking.

Ready to transform your TSW journey into a source of income and empowerment? Don't let this opportunity slip away! If you've ever considered blogging or starting a newsletter, now is the perfect time to take that leap. Share your thoughts below – what topics are you passionate about sharing? Let us know in the comments!

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