Unveiling Steroids: Miracle Cures or Misery Makers?

Navigating the Storm - My Journey Through Topical Steroid Withdrawal

Dear Readers,

Four years ago, the term “Topical Steroid Withdrawal” was foreign to me. Any reasonable person would be wary that this was some kind of conspiracy theory, some kind of ploy to sow distrust in the medicine and doctors. But desperate for relief from my persistent skin condition, I saw this as a beacon of hope.

What Is Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW)?

Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), also known as Red Skin Syndrome (RSS) or Topical Steroid Addiction (TSA), occurs when a person discontinues prolonged use of topical corticosteroids, usually of moderate to high potency.

These steroids are commonly used to treat inflammatory skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. However, when used for an extended period, they can lead to adverse effects after discontinuation.

ITSAN – Support for a global community living with Eczema and TSWS

When you apply topical steroids to your skin over an extended period, your skin get “used” to it. Initially, these steroids work wonders, but eventually, they lose their effectiveness. Paradoxically, stronger steroids become less potent. When you finally stop using them, your skin rebels. It flares up, violently protests! The skin will go through a withdrawal phase where it will flare up before it starts to heal.

The Vindication and the Journey
For years, I blamed myself for my skin’s stubbornness. Why wasn’t it responding to all the treatments?

The diagnosis of TSW was a revelation— It was a vindicating feeling for me, and I felt that I could finally absolve myself of guilt for my own skin condition.

Based on the resources and articles my mum had read, she explained that TSW isn't a simple journey. It's more like a tempest, challenging your resolve, resilience, and hope. She asked me if I was prepared to embark on this difficult path.

Despite understanding that Topical Steroid Withdrawal wouldn’t be a smooth ride, I was driven by my determination and optimism for improvement. With that mindset, I began my challenging path to recovery.

Stay tuned for the next update…
