What is No Moisture Treatment (NMT)?

Understanding the Benefits and Process of NMT for Eczema and TSW

Of course, the term No Moisture Treatment (NMT) was unfamiliar to us because I used moisturizer as a teenager. For my daughter, moisturizer were prescribed to prevent her skin from becoming dry and itchy. We thought this was the right approach, so whenever she felt itchy, we applied moisturizer to stop her from scratching herself as a baby.

However, as she grew older and had to apply the moisturizer herself, she sometimes complained that it stung her skin. We tried numerous brands, hoping to find a suitable one. We even purchased moisturizer online, mainly from China, based on claims that they reduced itchiness and were steroid-free. Unfortunately, we later discovered that some of these products contained high levels of steroids, which were not indicated on the ingredient list.

When my daughter started TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) treatment, Dr. Jay explained that we should avoid using moisturizer on unhealthy skin. He informed us that some patients opt for NMT and that continued use of moisturizer can lead to Moisturizer Withdrawal. We will write more on this in a separate post.

In our previous article, we introduced Dr. Heba, who explained everything you need to know about TSW.

Today, we want to share information about No Moisturising Treatment (NMT), a revolutionary approach developed by Dr. Kenji Sato at Hannan Chuo Hospital in Osaka, Japan, for those experiencing Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW).

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My daughter quickly agreed to stop moisturizing. The first reason was that she doesn’t particularly like it, as some moisturizer cause a stinging sensation on her skin. The second reason was that she doesn’t want to go through another Moisturizer Withdrawal process after Topical Steroid Withdrawal. So, she would rather stay clear of it.

So she started NMT, but we follow it less strictly. For example, we reduced her water intake but didn’t limit it to 1 liter. We still let her drink soup, eat fruits, and have a few sips of water even after she reached her daily quota.

She swears that NMT is life-saving and easy to follow. It’s not comfortable, but she said it was never comfortable for her, especially during the oozing period. She was scared of infection and worried that the ooze would stick to everything, causing pain when it had to be unstuck. With NMT, she quickly saw improvement as her skin dried and flaked faster. (My daughter's skin improvement is shown in the attached photo after the disclaimer. Viewer discretion is advised.)

Please check out Ms. Tokuko Kameda's blog. She was a former patient of Dr. Kenji Sato and translated the treatments she received over three months into English.

Introduction to NMT

No Moisture Treatment (NMT) is a regimen developed by Dr. Kenji Sato in Osaka, Japan, specifically for those undergoing topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). It focuses on allowing the skin to heal naturally without the use of moisturizer or topical steroids.

Key Components of NMT

  1. No Topical Steroids
    Dr. Sato does not prescribe any topical steroids or similar medications during treatment.

  2. No Moisturizers
    Patients stop using all moisturizing products to encourage the skin to hydrate itself naturally.

  3. Lifestyle Adjustments
    The regimen includes maintaining a regular sleep schedule, eating well, and exercising to boost metabolism and support skin regeneration.

Specific Practices

  • Sleep: Aim to sleep from 10 PM to 2 AM, the prime time for skin regeneration.

  • Exercise: Engage in daily exercise, such as jogging or fast walking, to enhance metabolism.

  • Hygiene: Limit showers or baths to avoid stripping the skin of natural oils. Use minimal soap, preferably in bar form, and avoid liquid soaps and shampoos.

  • Clothing: Wear minimal, loose-fitting clothing to avoid overheating and excessive sweating, which can act as a moisturizer.

  • Water Intake: Restrict water intake to prevent excessive fluid loss from the skin.

  • Sun Protection: Use hats or sun umbrellas to protect the skin from UV rays without using sunscreen.

Coping with Symptoms

  • Handling Scratching: Dr. Sato advises that scratching is acceptable as long as the skin is air-dried afterward.

  • Fluid Management: Use clean gauze to manage oozing fluid from the skin, replacing it as needed but leaving it on as long as possible.

Dietary Considerations

  • Avoid foods and products containing liquorice, glycyrrhizin, or glycyrrhiza.

  • Reduce intake of salty foods to minimize thirst.

We hope you found this information helpful and encouraging. Stay updated with the latest in eczema care, exclusive offers, and supportive community stories.

Disclaimer: Some people might not face difficulty when not using moisturizers. However, it is important to proceed with caution and always consult a doctor who is familiar with Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) before making any changes to your skincare regimen. Individual experiences and responses can vary significantly, so professional guidance is crucial for safe and effective treatment.
